Infinity: A Mars Rover Design

Oops! This page is not yet finished, but here’s a brief look at the project:

To synthesize the skills learned from the first half of the semester of this course, a project was assigned to create a Mars ascent vehicle (MAV) and Mars sample return rover (MSR) to collect samples from the Martian surface and return them to Earth. Certain assumptions were made and requirements were given, such as the mass and size restrictions to use the Delta IV Heavy launch vehicle, required amounts of sampled rocks and soil to carry, and mobility expectations.

This project was a half semester long project completed in Spring 2018, and included a final report and presentation to the class, a CAD modeling introduction course with Dr. Brian Choules.

EGR 200: Computer Aided Design with Dr. Brian Choules and team: David Jones, Mackelan Mitchell, and Quinn Blatchford.


Space Systems: Model Rocket


Space Shuttle Model